Friday, July 31, 2009

Information Gathering & Delivery May Never Be The Same!

Give Us The Bottom Line!

If you are like most people, you may have skipped down to the bottom to see how much we charge. Well we don't! That's right, the free customized information product we give away is totally free. You can use this product forever without ever paying a cent for it.

And just to intrique your further, we don't even ask you for your e-mail address. We don't use mailing lists, or gather e-mail addresses, even for our newsletter, because we don't have to. Still intriqued? Read on.

The One Word I'm Not Going To Mention

If I mentioned one word, one simple word, you may not read any further. Before I mention that one simple word I want you to read information below because it is so important. Once you understand how unbelievably simple and easy this is, then it won't matter what that one word is. Whether you are a consumer, an information gatherer, a business owner or someone that runs an organization, it is vitally important to read on.

To understand this better, all you need to do is answer one of these simple questions:

* as a consumer or information gatherer would you like total control of what information you see with No Spam, with No Junk Mail and with No Virus threats? Wouldn't it be amazing to actually be in total control of the information you view, instead of the people who are using Spam methods, Bulk E-Mail, and other intrusive means of sending information? Or actually being able to view the information you want to see, instead of it ending up in your Spam or Junk Mail folder!

* as a business owner or as an organization would it be beneficial to be able to not solely rely on your mailing lists to send information to your customers or members? Would it be beneficial to be able to update your information 24/7 and have your customers or members able to access that information in real time? Would it be beneficial to have your e-mail messages not end up in a Spam or Junk Mail folder, never to be read, or the misery of being accused of Spamming?

As a consumer or information seeker it so easy to have total control over the information that reaches your eyes without having to be worried about being Spammed, or having a mailbox full of Junk Mail or the threat of downloading a Virus, and still get the information you want.

As a business owner or organization it is so easy to implement this, whether you have a small business in a small town, a corporate presence in a major city, with or without a web site. In fact small business, no matter what size or where they are located, can now compete on a level playing fied with the world's largest corporations.

Now before I mention that word, this is not technical. It is easy to use, and easy to implement for a business or organization. That word is Feeds.

Give Us The Non Technical Explaination

The reason I did not mention the word Feeds before was because you may have thought it sounded technical. Too technical for you? NOT! Do you really have to know what a feed is, or how it works? NO! It is easy to use and implement, and that's all you need to know.

Even though Feeds may be the "technical term" for this, the actual process of delivering and gathering information using feeds, is quite easy to understand. Even if you know very little about computers or the Internet! In fact if you answered any one of the questions above with "Yes", then you have as much understanding of how it works as you need. You know what you want, this is the way to get it! Forget the name for it, just know that you want information, or you want to deliver information safely.

I know you have questions...I'll answer a couple here for you:

* Do I need to know techie stuff to use this for my business or organization? NO!

* Do I need to know techie stuff to get information with this? NO!

What's the best way to understand this? Download our free information product and use it to understand hows feeds will definately benefit you. They both come with full instructions and if you want, further explainations of feeds. (If you are the curious type!)

Using the Free Reader, that comes with full easy to understand instructions, to gather feeds, is the best way for anyone to get a very quick understanding of how powerful this method of information gathering and delivery is.

When you bought your DVD player it wasn't necessay to know how the machine mechanicaly reads and plays DVDs. All you needed to know was how to hook it up to your TV and how to play DVDs. This is the same. Another tool for distributing and enjoying information, that's it.

The Free Reader we distribute is your free tool for gathering information, that you are in control of. No information is sent to your reader, thus no Spam, no Junk Mail or no Virus threat.

It's amazing when you start out on a journey, with no final destination, where that journey leads you. I had no idea of the many directions I would go in my quest for knowledge. I hope you enjoy some off the stops along the way. Please contact me for permission to use this article.

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