Monday, July 27, 2009

Get Free Radio Advertisement

Here's a neat trick to get lots of radio advertisement time, TOTALLY FREE! Imagine...absolutely free access to millions of listeners of offline and online radio!

What you need to do is to locate the radio stations (do a simple online search or call your favourite local station) and by calling in, faxing, letters, or e-mail, request songs on the pretext that your web site is celebrating some "event". For example, your dedication could read something like this:

"Dear DJ, (Enter a generic compliment to the DJ)

Please play "XYZ song" to thank the staff of for their tireless efforts and sleepless nights spent to complete our latest project/webpage ...(insert a discreet pitch for your web site here).



You get the idea...

For More Unusual Web Traffic Generation Ideas, Visit or send blank email to:

Please feel free to use this article in your website, ezine or e- book. I ask,though, that you reproduce it in its entirety and without alteration, including the resouce information above. (c); Copyright 2002 Terence Tan. All Rights Reserved.

About The Author

Terence is the editor of Hugevoice Bulletins, an ezine dedicated to discovering unusual, alternative ways to generate web traffic. For more surprising web promotion ideas, visit or send an email to

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