Friday, July 31, 2009

Information Gathering & Delivery May Never Be The Same!

Give Us The Bottom Line!

If you are like most people, you may have skipped down to the bottom to see how much we charge. Well we don't! That's right, the free customized information product we give away is totally free. You can use this product forever without ever paying a cent for it.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Get Free Radio Advertisement

Here's a neat trick to get lots of radio advertisement time, TOTALLY FREE! Imagine...absolutely free access to millions of listeners of offline and online radio!

What you need to do is to locate the radio stations (do a simple online search or call your favourite local station) and by calling in, faxing, letters, or e-mail, request songs on the pretext that your web site is celebrating some "event". For example, your dedication could read something like this:

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Advertising: 10 Powerful Secrets To Help You Sell Your Ad Space Like Crazy

If you want to sell more ad spaces, you must read and use the secrets I am revealing here:

1. Give your customers a discount when they spend over a certain dollar amount for ad space. You can also apply this tip to the amount of ads they buy.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Too Much Build-Up: Over-Zealous Ad Copy Can Break The Sale

How many times has this happened to you?

A friend recommends a film that just came out: "You've GOT to see this movie! It's SO (funny, scary, suspenseful, etc.)." They start quoting lines, excitedly taking you through the plot. You're hanging on their every word. Seems like cinema doesn't get any better than this! So you run out and plunk down $10 to see the movie. And what do you discover? That this is "just another movie"... mildly entertaining, at best. Next time this friend starts crowing about another fantastic film, you're not so willing to listen. In fact: you'll never go to another movie on their recommendation again.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How To Write Eye-Grabbing Headlines That Catapult Your Prospects Into Your Ads

If you're interested in improving the selling results of your ads, tweaking your headlines is a great place to start. Because your headlines influence the sales results of your ad more than any other element.

A great ad with the wrong headline can bomb, whereas a great headline on an average ad will probably do OK. Let's take a look at a few techniques for coming up with sales-boosting headlines.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Advertising Primer for Fast Learners

Advertising, when done well is a very effective way to increase your customer base and ultimately grow your bottom line.

Many businesses have no idea how to advertise; they do a little bit here and a little bit there and end up saying that advertising doesn't work. Advertising, like everything else in business, requires a systematic, consistent approach. Even when you are getting results, tweaking a good message can make it a great message.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Write Attention Getting Advertisements

The most important aspect of any business is selling the product or service. Without sales, you aren't generating any income and your business will die. All sales begin with advertisments. To build sales the ad must get the buyer to act. The ad writer must know what he or she wants the buyer to do.

All ads are written with a basic formula, which is:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Acne Skin Savers Your Mom Never Told You About

Undoubtedly your mom told you about the straw that broke the camel's back, but did she fill you in on the dirty deed that brought the zit to life?

Your skin is one of the most sensitive and responsive organs of the human body. As such, the skin responds to every touch and thought you experience.