Monday, April 6, 2009

MLM Success Training- The 5 Success Traits You MUST Have in Network Marketing


It's all what's inside you that counts.

No marketing plan will ever determine your MLM success.

No product line will ever determine your Network Marketing success.

No company will ever determine your MLM success.

No upline will ever determine your Network Marketing success.


YOU and ONLY YOU will ever determine your success in MLM.

Many people operate under the illusion that something else other than themselves will determine their success, and that is simply not true. The ONLY determining factor in MLM Success is who you look at in the mirror in the morning.



Why wouldn't a sponsor or an upline determine your success? Why wouldn't an MLM company or marketing plan determine your success?


The only thing they could ever do, is help facilitate and influence your success.


It is not your upline's, sponsor's, or company's responsibility for your success. Their only responsibility is to help create and facilitate the opportunity for your success and to increase your odds of success with training and support.

Your Success is YOUR responsibility.



But the truth.

You see, there are 2 types of people who come into Network Marketing:

1) People who are looking for it TO WORK.

2) People who are looking for it NOT TO WORK.

The most amazing thing happens with everyone entering MLM.


You ALWAYS find what you are looking for. No exceptions.

What are you looking for your business to do? Work or Not work? Whatever you are looking for is the picture you will find eventually in your business.

Your FOCUS on what to EXPECT is a HUGE part of your success in network marketing, and your focus always seems to be what you end up with in this industry. Focus on this business massively succeeding and so it shall be eventually.

Focus on this business failing and so it shall eventually.

Here is a MILLION DOLLAR MLM Question:

What are you honestly looking to happen in your business the next 90 days?

Massive Action that produces the beginnings of success, or Massive Excuses that produces the beginnings of Massive mediocrity?

It's up to you.

There are 5 things that you need to succeed massively in MLM, and there are no options and no exceptions. They MUST be there and engaged to the maximum!

1) "A Great Work Ethic."

Most amazing thing -- a lot of people that get into MLM think they have won the lottery and don't have to work.


Many MLM distributors are looking for people who are willing to do, what they themselves aren't willing to do.

Are you?


Yeah, that hurts, but it's the truth, and most people know it. You must have a CONSISTENT work ethic, and one that is willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. Do you have that?

2) "A SCORCHING Belief System."

Belief is what will keep you going in MLM during the tough times, and it will keep you focused as well. Do you believe you will succeed or just "hope" you will?

You MUST believe no matter what, you WILL Succeed! Because if you do BELIEVE, I mean REALLY believe, you will succeed.

3) "A HUNGER to Help People."

We are a business of helping people succeed and live the life they have only dreamed of. And it is NOT ENOUGH to have a Burning Desire to succeed, you must HUNGER for it, and be starving for it.


Many people who have a Burning Desire, end up "Burning in Place." They never act on it, nor do anything with it, and like being on a treadmill, they "Burn in Place" till they eventually burn out.

Are you Hungry? Or Burning in Place? Or neither?

4) "A Love for People."

Many Millionaires in this business will tell you that you must have a love for people and love to be around them as well.


Hermits in this business FAIL. You MUST come out of your cave.

Do you like people and like to be around them? Do you feel comfortable being around people you barely know? Do you like to meet new people? Do people Bug you?

You must have a love for people and a love to associate with them and transform them into who they were meant to be!

5) " Urgent Patience."

Now THAT is different, isn't it? But that is what you need. URGENT patience.

What is that? You Must have a "Sense of Urgency" wrapped around a Patient attitude.

Be urgent in your actions and deeds in your enterprise, but be patient for success to show up, as it shows up in your life when the Season is right.

Be urgent in your expectations, but patient in your getting them.

Be urgent in your mindset, but patient in you heartset.


Do you have these 5 things?

Do you have any of them?

You see, I don't believe that only certain people can succeed in MLM. If you have these 5 traits, you WILL SUCCEED eventually.

Take a Hard Look at where you are with each of them. And the ones you are weak in, you had better increase them in your business and self! Network Marketing Success is ALL about YOU and what YOU bring to the table of Success in the long run.

Who you are, and who you are becoming will be the determining factors in your MLM Success.


PassionFire Intl

Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLM Success HEAT- at: and

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