Sunday, October 31, 2010

Seeing Is Believing! - Visualize The Result In Your Life Today!

"If you can see it' you can have it." Is it really so simple? The answer is 'Yes'...and 'No'. If you can see it' you already got your first step right but if you can't even see it' your first step would be fatal right from the start. Let me put this in perspective. If you cannot 'see' where you are heading in your direction or 'see' the end results that you want to achieve' most likely you would give up halfway or even if you did have results' you wouldn't reap the maximum result had you first 'seen' it in your mind with maximum clarity.

For example' you are driving a car with no destination (not 'seeing') in your mind initially. After hours of driving along the road' you would still be on the road thinking of going back to your starting point (giving up) as you did not have a destination in the first place at all. Or you finally 'see' your destination at the end' but it took you 4 hours to reach the destination when it could have just taken you 1 hour to reach it had you 'seen' the destination right from the beginning.

Most people like to use the phrase "seeing is believing"' meaning they must see it physically with their naked eye' and only then would they believe. However' if you could embrace this concept of 'seeing' the result in your mind' you are one step ahead of your competitors. Of course' to see the end result in your mind would take a lot of faith and belief to do so.

Does that really mean that if I can 'see' money fall from the sky' it would happen? Absolutely not' 'seeing' is the first step; the second step is to take massive action into achieving your end result (if that means one year's worth of prayer to make money fall from the sky).

I am going to associate the word 'see' with the word 'visualize'. Suppose you are earning $2'000 per month in your Internet Marketing business and you wanted to achieve $5'000 per month. First of all' see the end result in your mind and connect emotionally to it. You could visualize in your mind that $5'000 is deposited in your Paypal account and that you went to the bank to draw out the money. As you count the money' you wouldn't help but feel the fresh' warm and crispy notes in your hand. That's what I meant by 'seeing': to 'see' and to connect emotionally to it. You could take this further by visualizing the detailed process that helps you to earn $5'000 per month. You could also visualize the type of strategies that you could take and the type of new creative ideas that explode your sales in the Internet Marketing business.

For visualization to take place effectively' set aside some time like 15 minutes each day in a conducive quiet environment to visualize. As you visualize' go deep into it as if you are in it. If you visualize superficially on the surface' you wouldn't be able to reap the full benefit of visualization. Always have a pen and paper ready next to you as any new ideas that you visualized across can be jotted down immediately. I cannot discount how powerful this idea of visualization is as many of our money-making ideas are done in this way.

Start visualizing your end result today!

Gifts Download:

Justin Koh & Nelson Tan are the architects behind Internet Mastery Center ( and Fresh Resources (

This article is free for reprint in your website' e-mails and other mediums with permission by default. The signature must be included. If it is for a profitable purpose e.g. content for a paid e-book' you must notify us.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Invisible Braces' Viable Solutions

Invisible braces' like Invisalign' are most popular among adults. For children and young teens' having traditional braces cemented to their teeth is almost a rite of passage. Wearing braces is so common among pre-teens and teens that it's completely socially acceptable. A young woman or young man may not enjoy their braces' and they may not like having to go to the orthodontist's office' but they won't feel embarrassed by their braces.

The same cannot be said for adults. As an adult' wearing metal dental braces can be extremely embarrassing. This is especially true for adults who work' and whose work is effected by their image. If you sell cars' teach children' try cases in front of a jury or work in any other field where you need to communicate face to face' wearing braces will be a liability. Then again' having noticeably gapped teeth is a liability' too.

Invisible Braces' Viable Solutions
Fortunately' adults with crooked or gapped teeth have a number of options at their disposal. Some turn to invisible braces' which resemble retainers more than they resemble traditional braces. These plastic aligners are not precisely "invisible"' but they are' at least' clear. A new aligner is created for the wearer every two weeks' making this process both costly and time-consuming. Invisible braces like Invisalign take an average of nine to 15 months to work' although they may take longer.

Adults with gapped teeth' rather than crooked teeth' have a better invisible alternative. These folks can wear our ingenious Teeth Effects Bands that actually pull teeth toward each other' effectively closing a gap. Our bands are remarkably low cost' and have been proven to take only days or weeks to work.

Please visit to close your gap simply by wearing a band around your teeth.

Teeth Gap

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Make the Eat and Earn Connection

If you've ever thought about wanting to increase your physical energy and wouldn't mind increasing your financial as well' you have to read this right now!

Focus #1 - Name Your Hunger/Want/Desire/Achievement

? You know what you want to change better than anyone else. It is that nagging voice in the back of your head that speaks to you every time you go against it (i.e. when you find yourself at the fridge when you aren't hungry or spending money that you don't have)

? Give it Daily Attention. This doesn't mean to be sure that you feel BAD everyday about something you don't have. Instead' once you really declare what you WANT' you need to give time in the morning' evening?anytime that you can to focus on everything you ARE doing to bring this change about.

? Believe. This is a key ingredient for success' people. You must recognize the role you play in creating your own life. If you have been spending the majority of your time telling yourself what you can't do' it is time to shift that focus to what you can do.

Focus #2 ? Feed Yourself Well

? Change Habits. This is what I call finding "A New Family Recipe". It is about letting go of the things in our lives that are not serving us' but that we feel committed to out of loyalty to our families (i.e. - The Smith family ALWAYS has dessert!). This is absolutely one of the most difficult things to do. So' you have to bring yourself back to giving attention to shifting your beliefs. You can still love your family and NOT eat dessert every day.

? Your Physical Fuel. Give real strong attention to what you use as fuel for your body' your day' your life. It isn't about playing games with yourself' making trade offs (cookies today' gym tomorrow) or just "eating less". It is about bringing in strong sources of EnergyRich foods - whole' high vitamin' up and outward energy food. Prepare yourself for this journey called your life.

? Your Brain Fuel. This is about choosing your life' not just letting it happen to you. It requires making decisions' setting goals and creating plans. It is about answering the question' What do I want? Then writing down some thoughts on paper for the month' next 3 months and 1 year ahead. You want to pull yourself into your future' not just wade through each day. We get one go-around this lifetime.

Focus#3 ? Invest

? Nothing comes from extremes. Take what you want to change and try it for one day: i.e -one day of no sugar. The day will end and you will have had the experience. You can make your choice of how to proceed from there.

? Value mistakes. You have so much to learn from what didn't work. Make a note of it; don't beat yourself up and then don't do it the next time around.

? GIVE. This doesn't mean put everyone and everything in front of yourself and lose yourself as a result. It means to NOT give into the fear of "not enough". It is instead about recognizing that there is enough for you and then others. Money is an energy exchange. Withholding' hoarding etc. keeps this energy from moving. It also keeps toxins in' weight on' and ailments from healing.

Think about all of it ...

To Your Health and Success' Heather

Want to use this article on your website or your own ezine? You absolutely can! But here's what you MUST include: Heather Dominick' Certified Nutrition-Energy Consultant' is founder of the EnergyRich Lifestyle Program?' the proven step-by-step program to help you achieve your best health and fullest life. To sign up for her freebie how-to articles and no-charge teleclasses on creating your best energy life' visit

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to Interpret Your Dreams

As many different people there are on this planet' that is how many ways in which a dream can be interpreted.

When I first started exploring the world of dreams I fell upon Edgar Cayce (1877 -1945). Cayce was known as the "sleeping prophet" because of his ability to decipher individuals dreams while in a trance state. He had a seventh grade eduation' was a seer' a clairvoyant and is well-known for predicting such events as the World Wars and the Great Depression. I studied and used his methods for quite some time and they were my starting point into the world of dreams. Later' I became fascinated with the complex works of Carl G. Jung (1875 - 1961) which' for me' took the meaning of dreams to entirely new and exciting levels. His ideas about how dreams are the gateway to the individuation process motivated me to look deeper into their meanings and to hold them in a special place.

If you decide to start your journey with Edgar Cayce you will find that he offered techniques for deciphering dreams. Carl Jung' on the otherhand' does not offer a set method of interpretation. Either way' once you start paying attention to your dreams you will undoubtly come upon your own unique method of deciphering them.

The first thing you should do is start writing down your dreams. It does not matter whether you remember bits and pieces or whole chunks of information' each part is important and none should be discarded. You may also want to invest in a dream interpretation book but always keep in mind that your own interpretation of an image is just as relevant.

One method I have used to interpret dreams is to first write out the dream' collect your dream interpretations and then replace each symbol with its meaning. For example' below is a dream written out and next is the replacement of each symbol and then a simple interpretation:

1. Dream - "I am driving a car down a bumpy road. Before me are two tunnels and I have to choose which one to enter. I choose the right tunnel."

2. Replacement - "I am driving a (journey) down a (challenging) (path). Before me are (choices' conflict) (paths) and I have to choose which one to enter. I choose the (consciousness) (path).

3. Interpretation - From the above you can decipher that you are being asked to make a decision which up to this point has been challenging for you to get to. But you have made it. You must choose and your choice was consciouness. This means you have chosen to become aware of a certain aspect of yourself' your life or situation' knowledge etc. The next step would be to find out what's at the other end of the tunnel. That will be revealed in the next dream :)

The more you tackle your dreams the more intuitive you will become about what they mean.

Happy Dreaming!

copyright 2005 Nicole Rivera / SpiritQuest Network. Nicole is owner of *SpiritQuest Network'* an online community for the spiritual enthusiast. To learn more about your dreams' dream symbols and to participate in fun quizzes pertaining to dreams visit