Monday, June 29, 2009

What is My Acne Really Trying to Tell Me?

Most acne products do nothing more than waste money. Imagine spending hundreds of dollars on creams and lotions only to find out they didn't really work or only gave you temporary relief.

Acne remains a serious problem for a lot of teenagers and even for some adults. Acne destroys confidence, leaving a person depressed and even suicidal. However, hope remains for many of it's desperate sufferers.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Silver Bullet for Acne? - I Dont Think So!

I read a report recently discussing the success of the project to sequence the genome of the bacteria that is said to cause acne, Propionibacterium acnes, and how this may lead to new ways to treat Acne.

It made me think how easily we can jump to conclusions, that may not be supported by the evidence, or by common sense. Don't get me wrong, I wholeheartedly support the research that the scientific community is doing in the field of Acne, and I am hopeful that it will lead to better treatments, or better understanding of what acne treatments are likely to work.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The First Step To Curing Acne

The first step to curing acne is knowing what type of acne you have. This information gives you precious insight to what may have actually triggered the acne outset. Once you know your acne trigger, you are one step closer to removing the acne activator and living acne free.

There are numerous types of acne, which could explain why it is so cumbersome if not seemingly impossible for the acne sufferer to find a cure. Looking at the list below, you may be surprised discover that you acne is not caused by stress, but your new bottle of designer perfume.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Having A Sweet Tooth May Not Help Your Acne

Many dermatologists and acne sufferers believe that excessive sugar consumption aggravates acne conditions. Many other dermatologists, however, do not believe that there is enough evidence to link sugar consumption and acne.

Many people who suffer from acne can detect a pattern having to do with their diet and their acne breakouts. These people have noticed over time that particular foods will instigate the appearance of pimples and blemishes. For many people, chocolate and other sugary snacks are obvious irritants to a pre-existing acne condition.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Emotionally Dealing with Acne

It is a fact that nearly 17 million people in the United States alone currently have acne. Thus, acne is the most common skin disease. However, if so many americans are afflicted with this skin disease, then why is there a social stigma with acne? Due to the ever increasing social and media pressure on americans to become as beautiful as they can be, acne can be a detering blow. If acne is untreated, then it can lead to disfiguration of the skin and permanent scarring affecting self esteem for years to come.

First, acne must not only be treated physically, but emotionally as well. Since acne predominantly affects teens during puberty, which is a stage of generally low self-esteem as the body develops, acne can cause deep emotional scars as well. How does a teen, who is constantly bombarded by media influences telling them that they have to look perfect, accept acne as a common problem that should have no effect on their personal worth? There are several tips that these teens can do that can help overcome acne emotionally.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Workings of a Motorcycle Muffler Suspension

Motorcycles are becoming more popular because of its convenience and relatively inexpensive cost compared to automobiles. They are capable of the same speeds as cars and can also be licensed for use on public highways.

Owners and drivers of motorcycles opt for these motorized, two-wheeled vehicles as transportation because aside from it being an inexpensive alternative to cars, they can be easily maneuvered and they deliver higher fuel economy. In addition, they take less space for parking. No wonder a lot of Asian countries have more motorcycles than cars.

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Guitar Lesson To Help You Test Your Note Knowledge

In this guitar lesson we look at a great way to test your note knowledge of the guitar fretboard. But before we look at that, why even bother learning the notes?

Knowing the notes on your guitar fretboard is an essential skill. Here are a FEW of the benefits that you'll gain if you have fantastic guitarfretboard knowledge?